Building Relationships and Communities

Building Relationships and Communities

We know how you feel. We have suffered from not knowing that our black is beautiful. When Dr. Karen Moore started writing and performing spoken word poetry and prose, she was liberated from the pain of being invisible and feeling less than valuable, and she is here to empower you.

Are you ready to own your beauty and know without reservation that your black is beautiful? Are you ready to step out and speak your truth with courage and confidence? Are you ready to step into your purpose and emerge as the phenomenal woman you were designed to be? 

Join us today and make a difference in the world together. Let's tap into your beauty and harness its immense power to make a real transformation in ourselves and the world. Let's continue to work towards truth and understanding, and let's celebrate our deep melanated beauty and unique movements that help shape our communities. Join our Melanin Poppin Beauties Membership today!